
Yasuhara Teishitsu


Yasuhara Teishitsu (1610-73)

1610年(慶長15年) - 1673年3月25日(延宝元年2月7日)

He was one of the group of seven haiku poets of his time, the Teimon Students Group 貞門七俳人, haiku students of Matsunaga Teitokuk 松永貞徳 and he lived in Kyoto.

His name was Masa-akira 正明(まさあきら)、kagiya Hikozaemon 鎰屋(かぎや)彦左衛門、
Fuhaishi 別号は腐俳子(ふはいし)

洛の貞室 Raku no Teishitsu (Teishitsu from Kyoto)
He was the son of a paper merchant; his name was 安原正章 Yasuhara Senshoo.

His main works are

One Thousand Haiku by Senshoo
「Senshoo Senku 正章千句」

"Sea Treasures" (Name of an old Chinese anthology)
「Gyokukaishuu 玉海集」


Compiled by Larry Bole

According to Yoel Hoffman ("Japanese Death Poems)

kuru toshi no omoyu ni tsunagu inochi kana

New year--
what binds it to my life is
rice gruel

Teishitsu was unlike other people, even as a child. He was a connoisseur of various arts, he knew history well, and he was a "general" in the ranks of haiku poets. ...

In the winter of 1672 the poet became ill, and during the new year, a month before his death, he composed the haiku given above. It is not a death poem, but it is rather better than the actual death poem that Teishitsu left behind. ...


Blyth gives a translation of the death poem (tanka) which Teishitsu left behind :

I have never seen
Up to the present time,
The Master of my fate;
What is called eight times eight,--
This ominous year now begins.

And Blyth includes a less well-known haiku by Teishitsu, written when he was in Edo:

iza nobore Saga no ayu kui ni miyakodori

Let's go up to Saga,
You seagulls,
And eat trout!

Blyth mentions that Teishitsu "edited a number of books, of which he is said to have burned most in his last years."

And Faubion Bowers, in "The Classical Tradition of Haiku: An Anthology" (New York, Dover Publications, 1996), says about Teishitsu:

"Teishitsu destroyed all but three of his 3,000 haiku poems, leaving us with less than 30 of his words." [But it seems there are a few more poems of his than that still in existence]


suzushisa no katamari nare ya yowa no tsuki

the midnight moon -
almost like a big chunk
of coolness

Tr. Gabi Greve

In a modern Japanese version, this would mean
komban no tsuki wa marude suzushisa no katamari no yoo da na ...


night moon: a mass of coolness



La luna a media noche
como un trozo
de fresco.

Tr. bosque_de_bambu


La luna a media noche
como un trozo
de fresco

Tr. www.escritores.cl


kore wa kore wa to bakari hana no Yoshinoyama

"Ah!" I said,"Ah!"
that was all that I could say -
cherry blossoms of Mount Yoshino!

"Ах!" - я сказал - "Ах!"
вот всё, что я мог сказать --
цветы вишни на горе Ёсино!

(Russian translation by Origa)


ware rashiki ga yado ni mo kuru ya kesa no haru

omoshiroo sao shisaba kuru unawa kana  

nochi no tsuki Miyoshino no kumo ya Fuji no yuki

moon of the second night -
the clouds of Yoshino
the snow of Mount Fuji

(Tr. Gabi Greve)

. www.ese.yamanashi.ac.jp/


uchitokete koori to mizu no nakanaori

now melted
ice and water are
friends again

Tr. Gabi Greve

variance resolved,
water and ice
at peace again

Tr. Michael Haldane


Jaszuhara Teisicu (1609-1673)
in Hungarian

Horváth Ödön fordítása

Ó az a, az a -
- már szavam sincs; - virágzó

Kosztolányi Dezső fordítása

Ringatja a teltholdat a derűs ég:
hideg, tömör és fényes gömbölyűség.

Pető Tóth Károly fordítása

Enyém, óh enyém!
Nincs szavam. A virágok
Yoshino hegyén.



Oh! Oh! is all I can say
For the cherries that grow
On mount Yoshino.

Oh! Oh! derim
sadece, Yoshino’da yetişen
kirazlar için.


uchitokete kōru to mizu no nakanaori

halledildi, buz ve su
barış içinde


suzushisa no katamari nare ya yowa no tsuki

as a mass –
midnight moon

bir kütle halinde—
Gece yarısı ay.

Çeviri: Turgay Uçeren


yahan no tsuki - moon at midnight


long last we met,
only for me to leave hurriedly,.
for i cannot recognize you,
like the moon hidden
behind the clouds

Murasaki Shikibu


Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets 


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